Arts at HPU

Arts at HPU



Come hear the students of HPU's music program in solo and chamber works spanning a variety of genres, styles, and eras. 

Featuring the HPU International Vocal Ensemble, Chorale, Honolulu Chorale, and Symphony Orchestra.  Free Admission, Calabash offering.

Welcome to the Arts at HPU

The Arts at Hawai'i Pacific University are thriving!

Our performing ensembles include the International Chorale and Vocal Ensemble, the HPU Chamber and Symphony Orchestras, the HPU Pep Band and Jazz Ensemble, and the Hawaiian Ensemble. Each of these programs offers generous scholarships, allowing students to major in any academic field while continuing to enjoy playing their instrument or singing. The International Vocal Ensemble and Orchestra returned recently from a concert tour in Japan, visiting Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.

Three minors have recently been launched: Art History, Studio Art, and Music. We offer a variety of courses in art, hula, music, and theatre.  HPU is very proud of our Theatre Program, which produces two major shows per academic year, which feature students as well as members of the greater Honolulu community.